Voice of Surprise
PLEASE READ before you vote on the General Plan 2040 on July 30th...

There's a need to be educated on the 2040 General Plan for the City of Surprise before you cast your vote--which will be on July 30th (DON'T MISS IT). You can visit TransparentSurprise.com or click the link below:

42 for 50 ASAP... hanging by a thread as of July 13

7/13 7 am update: We've collected $50 from about 8 people so far, so it's now "42 for 50 ASAP"--Michael has sought an extension through July 15th with the property management company and it's day by day now for him and his daughter staying in their home. 
With the help of 50 people giving $50 in the five days leading up to July 12th where Michael and his daughter would be facing eviction, we can give a lifeline while Michael secures a better income in July.
This story is different. Through our contacts, we came across the desperate situation of a dad in his 60s with a daughter going into her senior year as an honor roll student at Willow Canyon HS. They've been together driving instacart grocery delivery as much as physically possible the last two months to handle bills and try to cover the mortgage, but it's not enough. Many pitched in early June as he was just shy of a job offer--but it didn't pan out, and now I'm personally reaching out to try helping his job hunt further. In his own words in a text to me Sunday the 7th: "This financial instability is new to me and it feels really crazy and unhinged and causes lots of pure anxiety, Quintus. My daughter and I are conservative type, a conservative spender, I am extremely pragmatic and I don't ever want to get used to or accept this scenario as the 'new norm' we are living here in 2024. I must stay strong, [my daughter]'s senior year in High School begins August 3rd... I'll be out tomorrow again trying to land a job quickly that pays enough money to pay the rent for August, assuming I get July rent paid in the next 3-5 days."
Please be the next of 50 to try to contribute $50 (or anything you can) to provide the relief this family needs to get to the hope they working so hard for with new employment in July. Click the button below or visit: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCRKM

Kevin Sartor
July 8-30
17 days left to reach 22,000 more voters

Grass Roots Steps to help Kevin Sartor become our next Mayor in Surprise:
1. There are two ways to help:
  i. If you plan to help cover a group of homes to contact door-to-door, first search for the name of the area on the Sartor4Surprise Grass Roots Map you’d like to help in so you can use that area name in the next step
  ii. If you instead plan to help make phone calls from the comfort of your home, just go to the next step
2. Fill out the Form here: https://forms.gle/3DJfi9QbKaVFpTDAA
3. Download the “Campaign Sidekick” app ( Apple | Android )
4. Wait for an email to be sent within 24 hours from the "Campaign Sidekick" app which will allow you to see the area you selected and homes assigned.

NOTE: By helping Kevin make these 22,000 more contacts by July 30th, we will maximize the impact of the mailers already sent and boost his votes enough to avoid a runoff scenario in November which will be wasteful, costing so much more in time, money and effort by both candidates to drag the final vote into November (which is also a tragic waste of environmental resources).


FINAL GRASSROOTS HELP -- Last, and definitely not least OPENLY COMMUNICATE VIA EMAIL, CALLS, AND TEXTS with your own friends and networks--be open on social media sharing http://Sartor4Surprise.com and https://www.youtube.com/@Sartor4Surprise

Change your profile picture for the next few weeks on Social Media (Facebook, NextDoor, etc.) to this square Profile Picture image (click here) and/or update your banner to this rectangular Banner image (click here).

Connect and follow Kevin on his various social media pages listed below and linked from his website Sartor4Surprise.com

      Facebook | Instagram | X (aka Twitter) | LinkedIn

We will also continue to provide updates here at VoiceOfSurprise.com through the July 30th election day--called "Primaries" but they are FINAL VOTES for the City offices--don't be caught sleeping!

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Congrats 2024 Graduates!!!

A #shorts message to our Surprise City graduates from Kevin Sartor (on the ballot for mayor July 30th)--CONGRATS TO YOU ALL!!! and quick a reminder you can and should get involved in your community right away with likely your first opportunity to vote by registering by July 1st -- Just visit: https://azsos.gov/elections/voters/registering-vote/registerupdate-vote and follow the directions there.

For more, visit Sartor4Surprise.com

Two meetings on June 4th - increased taxes and budget

Tonight's the night where a $1B budget for 2025 is being voted on, and a Sales Tax Increase (not including groceries which remains untaxed) of 60-cents to every $100 (0.6% going from 2.2% up to 2.8%). There's also a paired proposal with the sales tax increase to decrease your primary property tax from $0.7591 per $100 assessed value to $0.5693 (decrease of 25%). Here's a picture of our city budget history next to our population growth of about 3% per year. See the problems here? Source: TransparentSurprise.com

While it won't be linear in the macroeconomy, this is extremely disproportionate which begs the question--why are we making up a $14.3M shortfall with a Sales Tax increase on all of us in these hard economic times, while the proposed budget is going up 17% YTY (or $147M), when the GO Bond Approved in November covers $100M of that?  ... or go directly to this page We encourage all of you to make a best effort to show up tonight to tell your city officials what you think about the tax, the budget and more. Here are the agendas--I just got clarity from the City Clerk right now that codes and laws require a separate meeting for the budget--HOWEVER while this is out of order logically to put it first because it assumes the sales tax increase as part of that 2025 budget, we'll try to have them sort that there (maybe the council can recognize that and defer it the budget approval until after--a third meeting? LOL), but in the meantime let's not miss the opportunity to speak. You can fill out a form if you arrive early before the meeting and hand it to the clerk or use the online link below up to an hour before the meeting.

Special Meeting #1 - 6:00 pm

Agenda Link https://surpriseaz.portal.civicclerk.com/event/4218/overview

Sign up here to speak.

#1 City's intent to levy primary property tax in the amount of $0.5693 per $100 of assessed valuation and secondary property tax in the amount of $0.3880 per $100 of assessed valuation. Resolution #2024-93
This is reducing the primary property tax by 25% and leaving the secondary the same (which will be the same the next 25+ years because of the November 2023 $100M bond that passed

#3 City of Surprise final budget for Fiscal year 2025. Resolution 2024-94

Read more

Regular Meeting #2 - 6:15 pm

Agenda Link https://surpriseaz.portal.civicclerk.com/event/4062/overview

Sign up here to speak.

#10 Transaction Privilege Tax Rates; Ordinance # 2024-09

Read more

5 ways to help get Kevin Sator elected mayor on July 30, 2024

This is a grassroots effort, which means we each need to make an effort in any one or more of the following 5 ways (also posted on Sartor4Surprise.com) in order for us to get someone who will properly represent us and set the right tone for the City of Surprise for the next 4 years. Remember, the 2024 election for Mayor is very early this year, July 30th


Election unsolicited texts and calls can be annoying, so we need you to be a voice for Kevin for this short 3-month period. With your contact info, Kevin can keep you posted during this push. About 31,000 voted in 2020. Our goal is over 60,000 showing up in 2024.



As a grassroots effort, and with so much ground to cover, success will never happen without your help on the ground. Click below to see a sign-up for upcoming events where your help is needed.


Show Up

Being there at some of the events Kevin will be at to meet him, ask questions, or talk to other voters is the most important part of this campaign, SHOW UP and SPEAK UP. We shouldn't waste hard-eraned donations, and we can reduce the necessary spending--our grassroots voices are key.



For those who can, many donations will help with some of the material needs like yard signs and magnets (rather than a few larger donors, we hope for hundreds to participate with mirco-donations of $10-50--we know most can't do much more--we're just trying to get the message out on a shoestring budget, nothing more).



Follow/Like Kevin on: 
InstagramFacebookX (Twitter)
Every small bit of support there helps get the message out!


Kevin Sartor Campaign Calendar

Follow the calendar links below to get updates on upcoming events throughout the campaign.

NOTE: A virtual Kickoff event for Kevin's campaign will be this coming Monday, April 22nd at 8 pm. Watch here for more details on how to participate including Q&A opportunities, links to the livestream, and ways to watch it later.

Kevin's campaign kickoff video from April 15th is posted here on Facebook: https://fb.watch/rueljDk1Cd/

Increased Sales Tax in Surprise!!!--prepare to SHOW UP on Tues., Jun 4th, 6 pm.

Thankfully, after a lively debate in Council Chambers by our City Council on Tuesday, April 2nd, all present at least realized (for compliance purposes) before any vote could be taken, a 60-day public notice needs to go about about the proposed increased City Sales Tax--to move it up from 2.2% to 2.8%. Supposedly to "soften the blow" and attempt to "tax the more rich" (because we don't and still won't charge a sales tax on food--because that's all that poorer people need to buy, LOL), they are combining it with a reduction of 25% in primary property taxes. Remember, our current secondary property tax rate was just solidified to remain unchanged (cannot go down) over the next 25 years due to the November bonds for $66M (roads) and $44M (public safety) that Surprise just passed months ago.

Public Notices surpriseaz.gov/Notices are located at the VERY BOTTOM of the Surprise City Webpage--the webpage is written very poorly, so you'll have to go to this link surpriseaz.gov/Notices and then search for this one posted on Thursday, April 4th: "Notice of Intent to Increase Certain Transaction Privilege Tax Rates"

The city also posted this Public Notice on Social Media, and you can read and react immediately there:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5W6Rd7vmyO/?igsh=Z2Frdjc0Nm5kZzFl 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/4DNh7zkcWi4zN2By/?mibextid=oFDknk
X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/AZSurprise/status/1776031244373143665?t=vR_ax0RWeZS5IUnJQp5qDA&s=19

NOTE: Jack Hastings righfully noted that to balance the upcoming 2025 budget, the city should at least consider a reduction in expenses--which the City managers did not.
Tax games are very dangerous
--remember Boston Harbor!

Here's Jason Stone's article in the Surprise Independent (or click "read more" below): https://www.yourvalley.net/surprise-independent/stories/surprise-sales-tax-increase-on-hold-for-now,488490

An article about that debate is here by Shawn Raymundo in Arizona Republic, but it left out many of the council members and mayor mentioning a recent "retreat" where they all spoke about this proposed tax ahead of April 2nd, and also failed to point out the legal concerns raised by R. Massie during the public hearing portion. 
(Subscription Required): https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/surprise/2024/04/04/surprise-city-leaders-debate-property-sales-tax-changes-to-make-up-loss/73166380007/

Voice of Suprise / Arizona's Voice calendar

Below is a calendar of events, meetings, and service opportunities, where having citizens present and active matters. Please have a look at each calendar entry for details (particularly City Council ones--they very often have agenda items of interest). Please volunteer for the Service activities in the community also where you can. Watch for regular updates to the calendar below.

Latest Highlight: Tuesday, April 16 City Council meeting with 3x votes on PADs and rezoning affecting District 1 (northwest Surprise)

April 1st was the deadline to sign

Thanks for everyone partipating in helping those candidates below seeking to get on the ballot!

People were able to do so this year with this link where you can see for yourself whose petitions you're eligible to sign by entering that same site generically here: https://apps.azsos.gov/apps/election/eps/op/

NOTE: If you don't know if you're in LD25 or LD29 go here: 
If you don't know what district you are in for City of Surprise, go here: https://surpriseaz.gov/756/Council-District-Maps

Kevin Sartor (Mayor)

Veteran and Experienced Leader

Click to visit Sartor4Surprise.com

Earle Greenberg (District 2)

Sun City Grand Board Member and Studio Owner

Earle indicated he already has his ballot petition signatures in. You can click here for his LinkedIn profile. More to come.

Patrick Duffy (District 3)

Current District 3 Councilemember

Click here to visit his District 3 webpage

Nick Kupper (LD25 House)

Veteran and Experienced Leader

Click here to visit Kupper4Arizona.com

Allison Wisniewski (District 3)

Veteran Resource Specialist

Recently learned Allison's activiely gathering signatures. You should see the option online when you log in to sign. Link below is to her LinkedIn page until I can find a different site.

Johnny Melton (District 4)

Involved with Dysart School District and LD29 Republicans

With one person backing out and no one else stepping forward, Johnny, a great volunteer in the community has put himself forward to prevent an appointmetn for District 4. Click here for a direct link to get him enough signatures to be on the ballot.

You're unbelievable!!! ... 110% = 5,509 signatures

September 16, 2022
We had hours upon hours of time taken by volunteers to reach out to our community for support, and in just 15 days:

* 125 unique volunteers submitted signature sheets
* 5,509 signatures were collected and notarized with a requirement of 3,114
* Tomorrow will we submit 177% of the required signatures for this referendum

As we reflect on this journey together, two things come to mind:
* Take back time again to spend with your families and loved ones enjoying your time with them
* Get back to serving in our community as you've done before or maybe as you've been longing to do more of going forward

The poor representation by our city leadership has been extremely disruptive to our lives--for some of us dating back well over a year ago now. The citizens of Surprise would not have been required to submit this referendum were it not for this lack of representation in the chambers of our City Hall. We have more to do in this area together; this referendum has taught us how we can make those impacts, and we will take the necessary actions in order to give place again for the voice of the people to direct our city government in Surprise.

In the meantime, love your families, your friends, and give back to our community in the many ways you have and will continue to do. Thank you for showing us all what a great force for good we can be together, and that no enemy can silence the Voice of Surprise.

Click here for info to Donate or Help at your local Food Bank -- the need is 4x what it was a year ago!!!

Progress to 5000+

Updated Friday, September 16, 12:47 am

NOTE:  Thanks for all your financial help in getting past our goal of $3000 to get packets prepared and printed. We ended up spending all of that and a little more for 130 additional copies made. Our site is still up here https://www.givesendgo.com/G6G3D for those many of you who have offered to help. Some funds may get applied to our next venture as the Voice of Surprise--otherwise it will be used to help a local food bank.


Fri. Sept. 16 - 454 of 334 (136%) packets needed for 5000 signatures distributed.


405 of 454 Returned & Notarized Packets


5509 of 5000 (110%)  signatures Notarized & Returned

You might want to know a bit more about Dominium who will be building and managing these apartments...

Learn more at dominium.news

Let's get to 5000+ by Thurs. Sept. 15th

Click here for "The Facts"

We are uniting as a community to drive Dominium to provide a better alternate proposal for their future residents with lower density and more amenities--instead they wish to exploit an accidental loophole in the 2008 PAD and maximize their profit under Section 42 and LIHTC with a whopping 21 units per acre--that's way above anything this City has ever seen--just to maximize profits with no consideration for the safety, comfort, and living experience of its future residents. This kind of density will be dangerous to public safety and emergency response and there are no plans to add more schools which are already overcrowded in our area.

On August 16th (
thanks to those who showed up) our City Leaders said yes to Dominium. We only have 30 days from that date and the referendum CAN STOP IT but we need everyone's help gathering signatures together to do it. PLEASE TAKE OUT A SIGNATURE SHEET. 

On Jun 16th the P&Z Commission Meeting (thanks to those who attended) said they couldn't vote against this because the law didn't let them.

You can still contact your City Council Member, and let them know that the people of Surprise will no longer tolerate our leadership not listening to us. Get your neighbors and friends to sign the referendum TODAY so we send a clear message back to City Hall that their power and authority lies with us, the people.

Sign Here & Volunteer to help us get 5000 by FRIDAY (Sept. 16th) of your signatures on the referendum to get the vote back to the people.
high rise buildings city scape photography

What has Dominium been saying about YOU and our City Leaders? The Phoenix Business Journal tells us...

Despite Dominium grossly abusing an unintended loophole allowing them under the 2008 PAD Zoning to put have 15-21 units per acre, they are pushing the max at 21.

"Despite our best efforts to work with the community, we feel the city has created roadblocks to us utilizing the existing PAD zoning and that we are not being treated equitably compared to other projects with similar PAD zoning approvals from the same era," [Owen] Metz [of Dominium] said. "Instead, the city's actions appear to be more of a direct response to strong NIMBYism — not the fair and equitable application of zoning laws."

"Dominium hitting glitches with Surprise" by Angela Gonzalez - Phoenix Business Journal https://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/news/2021/11/03/affordable-apartment-glitches-west-valley-city.html

Wednesdays 9 pm Zoom calls: 
After Sept. 16th, we'll plan to meet weekly at 9 pm (so we can give our kids the evenings they deserve) while we determine a path forward for our group and monitor the referendum status too. Meeting links will be posted here below at voiceofsurprise.com
Join Zoom Meeting every Wednesday at 9 pm:
Meeting Link: 
Meeting ID: 838 9724 7047
Passcode: 883322
One tap mobile +16699006833,,83897247047#,,,,*883322#
Dial in (audio only): +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 838 9724 7047
Passcode: 883322
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kec4nXqG3Y

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Surprise Independent article about June 16th P&Z meeting

Your outstanding efforts to show up were recognized and Richard Smith did a great job here covering the events of the June 16th Planning & Zoning Commission here covering all the voices that were active that night.

This video was posted when the first proposal came in 2021